Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Global Divide Essay - 1465 Words

What is globalization? It can be simply defined as worldwide integration and development, but if asked to be defined by the world’s citizens it’s simply referred to as conflict. As you continue to read further, you will see how globalization and the north- south global divide play a key role in our nation’s economy. From the wars on European soil and increasing poverty in Africa, to the booming technological abilities in Japan, this one word will be an understatement to all things to come. I’ll explain how the global divide started and how globalization plays a key role in the world’s own destructive nature. As the gap between the two divides grows further and further apart, the one question still remains; could this gap ever be closed?†¦show more content†¦These allies who fought with one another became sworn enemies for world supremacy based on their political ideologies and intense urge for national interest and global power. The Cold War was the cradle to two nations savagely competing with one another for hegemony over other countries and military preparedness. During the years between the Renaissance and the industrial Revolution, the Americas, Africa and Asia were colonized by the Europeans. After freeing itself from the British’s grip, the pioneering spirit of its immigrants and immeasurable natural resources gave the U.S the democratic future it has today. By the middle of the 20th century, United States had collaborated with the European industrialization and overtook the rest of the world. Independent Latin American countries were plagued with internal conflicts and military dictatorships like Brazil, which isolated them from the rest of the world. The â€Å"north† divide didn’t stop with just the exception of the United States economic growth, but with the remaining countries of the northern hemisphere also including Australia and New Zealand. The countries showed the world that they could grow in population, wealth, and GNI. The â€Å"south† on the other hand, comprised of weaker countries whose claims to development lingered in comparison. The world’s geography doesn’t entirely determine the statute of whether a country is labelled the North or the South. Comprising ofShow MoreRelatedThe Global North/South Divide1724 Words   |  7 PagesA descriptive essay on the Globla North/South divide. Explores the social, cuptural and economic differences that exist between the regions defined as the global north and the global south. The theory of the Global North and Global South is a new geopolitical perspective. It divides the world into two blocs – the industrialized countries of the global North and the poor countries of the South on the global level of analysis. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about The Tragic Hero Creon in Antigone by Sophocles

In the play, Antigone by Sophocles, at first glance readers assume that Antigone is the tragic hero. However, this is not the case. Although Antigone does display some characteristics of a tragic hero, I believe that Creon is the true tragic hero. For many readers, it may be a challenge to see Creon as the tragic hero; however, when you take a second look at the play, you can see that Creon displays every quality of a tragic hero. Creon’s power and pride as well as going against the gods all lead up to his downfall which in return helps him to become a tragic hero. In the article, â€Å"Common Man as A Tragic Hero: A Study of Author Miller’s Death of a Salesman†, Kritika Nanda states, â€Å"†¦ according to Aristotle a tragic hero has to be someone†¦show more content†¦For instance, when Antigone asked her sister to help with the burial of Polynecies, Ismene replies to her sister’s proposition by stating, â€Å"But think of the danger! Think of what Creon will do!† (Prologue, 34). Ismene then continues by saying, â€Å"Think how much more terrible than these, our own death would be if we should go against Creon, and do what he has forbidden!†(Prologue, 44-46). Based off of Ismene’s response to Antigone, one can conclude that she, as well as the majority of the people in Thebes, was afraid of Creon. Furthermore, Creon going against the gods leads up to the tragic events which later take place and make him a tragic hero. Although Creon was the King of Thebes, he had no power to disobey the gods. However, despite knowing this, Creon defies the gods when stating that Polynecies will have no burial. In the article, â€Å"The Wrath of Creon: Withholding Burial In Homer And Sophocles†, the author confirms this when he states, â€Å"†¦Creon is guilty of overstepping the bounds of appropriate behavior for mortals, by presuming to give burial to one hero and deny to another the rights that are due to every mortal in the eyes of the gods, regardless of the circumstances of his death† (Shapiro 2). Creon not allowing Polynecies to have a proper burial is when the real tragedy of the play takes place. As a result of Creon’s orders, Antigone defies him and buries her brother. When Creon discovers what Antigone did, he sentenced her to death.Show MoreRelatedEssay on Creon as the Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone1326 Words   |  6 PagesCreon as the Tragic Hero in Antigone     Ã‚   This essay will compare two of the characters in â€Å"Antigone†, Antigone and Creon, in an effort to determine the identity of the tragic hero in this tale.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To identify the tragic hero in Sophocles’ renowned play â€Å"Antigone†, we should first consider both the elements present in Greek tragedies and what characteristics define a tragic hero. Aristotle’s definition of tragedy is: â€Å"Tragedy is a story taking the hero from happiness to miseryRead More Creon as Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone Essay593 Words   |  3 PagesCreon as Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone There has always been a bit of confusion as to the tragic hero of the Greek Drama Antigone. Many assume that simply because the play is named for Antigone, that she is the tragic hero. However, evidence supports that Creon, and not Antigone, is the tragic hero of the play. Examining the factors that create a Greek Tragedy, and a tragic character, it is clear that the tragic hero is in fact Creon. First, take into account the timeframe in whichRead MoreEssay on Creon as the Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone997 Words   |  4 PagesCreon as the Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Who is the true tragic hero in Sophocles Antigone?   This question has been the subject of a great debate for numerous years.   Equal arguments exist that portray Antigone as the tragic heroine in the play and Creon as the tragic hero.   Aristotle, in his study of Greek drama entitled Poetics, provided the framework that determines the tragic hero of a work.   Though Antigone definitely possesses the characteristics and qualities thatRead More Creon is the Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay627 Words   |  3 Pages Creon is the Tragic Hero of Antigone nbsp; When the title of a play is a characters name, it is normally assumed that the character is the protagonist of the play. In Sophocles Antigone, most people probably believe Antigone to be the tragic heroine, even after they have finished watching the play. It may be argued, however, that Creon, not Antigone, is the tragic character. When we examine the nature and concept of the Greek Tragedy and what it means to be a tragic character, it becomesRead More Creon As Tragic Hero of Sophocles’ Antigone Essay836 Words   |  4 PagesCreon As Tragic Hero of Sophocles’ Antigone Since the play’s inception, there has always existed a contention concerning the true hero of Sophocles’ Antigone. It is a widely held belief that Antigone must be the main character simply because she and the drama share name. This is, of course, a very logical assumption. Certainly Sophocles must have at least meant her to be viewed as the protagonist, else he would not have given her the play’s title. Analytically speaking, however, Creon doesRead MoreEssay on Creon As The Tragic Hero Of Antigone by Sophocles781 Words   |  4 PagesCreon As The Tragic Hero Of Antigone by Sophocles Greek tragedy would not be complete with out a tragic hero. Sophocles wrote Antigone with a specific character in mind for this part. Based on Aristotle’s definition, Creon is the tragic hero of Antigone. Creon fits Aristotle’s tragic hero traits as a significant person who is faced with difficult decisions. Creon is significant because he is king. This makes him both renowned and prosperous. Creon is not completely good nor completely bad;Read MoreEssay on Creon The Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone723 Words   |  3 PagesCreon The Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone Every Greek tragedy must have a tragic hero. In Sophocle’s play, Antigone, the most tragic hero is Creon. He is an essentially good man of high position who takes pride in his role as king. He possesses the tragic flaws of excessive pride and an oversized ego. This causes the tragic reversal that leads to his emotional ruin and eventual remorse and repentance. As King of Thebes, Creon is forced to make difficult decisions. As a new ruler, he feelsRead More Creon as the Ideal Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone Essay1908 Words   |  8 PagesCreon as the Ideal Tragic Hero of Antigone Tragedy always involves human suffering, but not everyone who suffers is a Tragic Hero. According to Aristotle, there are five basic criteria that must be met for a character to be considered a Tragic Hero. Aristotle’s ideas about tragedy were recorded in his book of literacy theory titled Poetics. In it he has a great deal to say about the structure, purpose and intended effect of tragedy. His ideas have been adopted, disputed, expanded, and discussedRead MoreEssay about Creon Defines the Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone762 Words   |  4 PagesAntigone - Creon Defines the Tragic Hero   Ã‚   Antigone, written by Sophocles is a tale of a tragic hero who suffers with the recognition and realization of his tragic flaw. Although this short story is titled after Antigone, Creon is the main character and he provides the moral significance in the play. First, Creon withholds the respect of his citizens but it is clear to them he is not perfect through his pride (tragic flaw). Secondly, his radical reversal of fortune is made clear afterRead MoreEssay about The True Tragic Hero of Creon in Sophocles Antigone1621 Words   |  7 PagesThe True Tragic Hero of Creon in Sophocles Antigone There has always been a great debate over who is the true tragic hero in Sophocles Antigone. Many scholars would stake claim to Antigone possessing all the necessary characteristics of a true tragic hero, but many others would argue that Creon holds many qualities as well. It is hard to discount Antigone as a tragic hero, because in fact, the play bears her name, but from careful reading, Creon meets Aristotles criteria exactly and fits

A Month Studying in Brighton Essay Example For Students

A Month Studying in Brighton Essay Last June, I came to know that I am going to spend my holidays studying English in Brighton. What that meant for me was the whole month without parents and a huge opportunity to get to know new friends from foreign countries. Although flights arent my favourite type of travelling I couldnt hardly wait 3rd August when I would be sitting in the aeroplane. The best thing about it all was that my brother came with me because of finding new job there. The trip wasnt going very well from the beginning, because we werent able to find accommodation for ourselves till the last day before the flight. Happily, the lady called Aileen was our saviour. She had no problem that we were about to come at night the next day. The last thing I wanted was to sleep three days, until the festival in Brighton would end, under the bridge. Finally when we came everything seemed to be perfect, our landlady was a nice and helpful person. She couldnt stop talking to us even though we came in the middle of the night. What I found out was that people in England are very kind and patient, without any hesitation they address you honey, sweetie and so on. My first day at school was quite unsocial, students were just watching and talking with the people from their country, it wasnt a surprise for me that there was no probability that I would find someone from Slovakia. That day I came away from school with worries how my next day’s class would look like. Obviously my misgivings werent needed, I got the best class I could. There were people from Russia, Italy, France, There wasnt a day when I didnt attend after school activities with new friends. I discovered that Asian people, especially from Korea are not that annoying as I had thought before, they are maybe more friendly than any others. Studying wasnt the only reason why I came there, Brighton offers a wide range of parks and natural reservations with animals which you can pet. I havent seen anything similar to The Seven Sisters, that’s the place I would like to have in my neighbourhood or on my garden. It is a beautiful piece of nature with lot of free living animals. The lane through this reservation leads to a sheer cliff above the sea with a nice view of Brighton and the other six â€Å"rocky sisters. Id strongly recommend studying or even living in Brighton for young people. It is a place full of pubs, party clubs and entertainment on Brighton Pier where you can find lots of rides and restaurants. I am extremely sure that this experience gave me the best for my life; through better knowledge of English language to getting know the life Britain and cultural traditions of my new friend from all over the world. Im the lucky one that I had this opportunity.